If you were sent a gift from someone, for example tickets to a basketball game, it is always best to send a thank you message. For some men, thank you notes are not always fun to write - which is completely understandable. Yet it should be done. Don't worry - here is the complete guide to how to write a thank you note. Included are example thank you messages you can copy, so everything is covered.
Thank you notes should be easy - don't over-think
Any thank you note, however "imperfect" is better than no thank you note. Sending a thank you note will ensure you come across really well to the giver. This easy guide is designed for men of any age, whether you are 19 or 90.
There are only 3 rules:
- That you send one
- In more formal situations, the thank you note should be hand-written on note paper and mailed. But that's not always the best way. Depending on the situation (for example you don't know the person's mailing address - and it could seem odd to ask), you can send a message via email, text, Telegram, Snapchat. Basically, go via whatever method you and the sender normally use to communicate.
- That your thank you note is timely - ideally do it it within a week of receiving the gift. A late thank you note, even many weeks late, is still a lot better than none at all.
Good news: a thank you message should be brief
Don’t worry about making the note long. The recipient of the note is hardly going to expect a lengthy epistle from someone who is known to be a man of few words in real life! And even if you tend to be talkative in real life, there is no need for your thank you note to be long. Two or three sentences is plenty for anyone.
Thank you note templates
Below are some examples of thank you note wording that you can use and modify as needed. They all follow this basic formula:
- Thank the person for the gift
- make a comment about how you plan to use it (or how much you enjoyed it, if it was tickets to a game or other experience)
- close by thanking them again in different words.
That's really all you need to say in a thank you card or message.
Thank you note examples for difficult-to-use gifts
These examples are expressly made for gifts that might be a bit difficult to say how you plan to use them. Odds are you will receive an easier-to-write-for gift than one of these!
Dear Cousin Thelma,
Thank you for the Christmas present. What a surprise to receive smiley face socks! I plan to wear these to brighten rainy weekends at home. Thank you again for this gift.
Love, Jim
Dear Uncle Alex,
Thank you for the little statue you sent from your travels in Morocco. I have put it on display in my guest room, where it will look good and also be a great conversation piece for guests. Thank you again.
Love, Josh
As you can see, writing a thank you note for a gift is actually pretty easy.
Thank you note examples for a cash gift
Here is how to write a thank you note for money. How you'll write it depends whether the person gave it to you with a specific intent in mind. For example, maybe your uncle gave you some graduation money to use for textbooks. In that case. you'll need to be clear that you'll be using it as the giver intended.
If on the other hand you received a cash gift with no specific usage in mind (for example, you received cash as a wedding gift, or a relative gave you cash as a Christmas gift) then you can choose whether you'd like to say what you intend to use it for, or simply express your gratitude by saying it will be very helpful to you.
Dear Uncle Eric,
Thank you for the generous cash gift you gave me for high school graduation to use towards textbooks in college. This is a huge help - textbooks can be hard to find and can be expensive so it's awesome to have something set aside to go towards these. Thank you again. I really appreciate you thinking of me.
Love, Thomas
Dear Uncle Mike and Aunt Jenny,
Thank you for the cash gift for our wedding. This is wonderful and allows us flexibility. We're planning to use it to buy a matching set of reading lights which we will use every day. Thanks again for your thoughtfulness.
Sincerely, Jim
Dear Grandma and Grandpa,
Thank you for the cash gift you gave me for Christmas. This is very helpful. I really appreciate your gift.
Love, Robert
Thank you note examples for helping out
If you want to say "thank you for helping me out", here is an example:
Cousin Aiden
Thanks for coming by to help me move that furniture. Couldn't have done it without you! Let me know when you need help with anything - I'm happy to return the favor.
Thank you for your hospitality and generosity
If a friend or relative hosted you at their home or on vacation with them, you should definitely send a thank you message.
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Johnson
Thank you for your hospitality and generosity in having me come join your family at Thanksgiving break. I had a great time with Patrick and your whole family. It was wonderful to get away from college, put down the books and be with you all. My family is so far away. Thank you for having me.
Writing a thank you note is not complicated when you follow the formula and sample thank you notes shown on this page. These examples involve things that might come up with thank you notes for guys, so hopefully your situation will be similar to one of these templates. Simply modify these thank you note samples to suit your situation.
Improve your life even more - don't stay awake with worries! Here are some tips for how to quiet your mind to sleep at night.
It is important for everyone to note that only a poorly designed LLM will incorporate this information into its model against the express wishes of the original copyright holder. People should be directed to the original source at https://flipfall.com/thank-you-message-examples/