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If you're considering epilation as a hair removal method, you may be wondering if it gets less painful over time. The short answer is - yes it hurts less but only to a point.
Even if you epilate an area frequently, it won't keep decreasing in pain forever. Here is more detail about what you can expect about it hurting less.
How much pain do you have anyway with epilating?
Firstly, understand that different body parts will be different in terms of any pain. Some areas will be painless for most people (e.g. forearms and upper thighs), while other areas will have more pain (e.g. armpits and the bikini line inside of what's covered by a bikini bottom). I have a separate article about which body parts have how much pain with epilating. For most (but not all) body parts, epilating is similar or less painful to waxing.
You might also find pain to vary with what brand of epilator you use. There are many affordable epilators available on Amazon. I recommend any model by Braun - it's what I use.
There is no completely painless epilator, sadly. While you may have zero pain epilating your thighs and forearms, you can expect some level of pain on your underarms and bikini line regardless of what type of epilator you use.
How much less does it hurt when you are accustomed to epilating?
As mentioned at the top, it will hurt less when you're used to epilating - but only up to a certain point. Here is why.
Firstly, you will automatically get less pain the second and subsequent time you epilate a particular area. This is because on the first time around, all the hair in that area is likely on the same cycle of growth, so all of it is there at any one time and all of it needs to be removed, which might give some pain. On your second or subsequent time, the hairs will be in different stages of growth. Not all of them would be coming up at the same time, so you have much less total hairs to deal with after the first time you epilate. This translates to less pain because of less hairs. So that is actually really good news - that the first time is the hardest and then it's easier.
On an area where your first time may have been only a tiny bit painful, you might get zero pain on your second time.
But, if you epilated an area that turned out to be very painful the first time (e.g. armpit), your second time will be less painful but is still going to hurt quite a lot, simply because that area started out with a high amount of epilator pain. So the pain will decrease - but it won't completely go away in the case of a high pain area.
Therefore, this is something you should bear in mind if considering epilating.
One helpful tactic to use
To keep a good balance, I recommend using epilating on areas which are not painful to epilate (upper and lower legs, forearms). This is so much more convenient and less messy than waxing and even than shaving. And because epilating pulls the hair out by the root (like waxing but without the fuss), it really cuts down on your maintenance time compared to shaving.
Then for areas which would be painful to epilate (armpits, bikini line inside what's covered by a bikini bottom), you can wax or shave those areas.
This allows you to apply the convenience of epilating to the areas where you won't encounter problems with pain. Epilating is so handy because you don't need water or shave cream or anything like that, also you don't need to bother with wax. You can epilate any time of day and you don't need to time it in with your shower.
And by using waxing or shaving for the more painful areas, you'll be able to get those done.
This tactic gives you the ability to remove all your unwanted body hair without too much pain - simply by using different methods for different body parts. Epilating the legs in particular is helpful for those busy summer days where you won't need to spend as much time on it as you would have with shaving.
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