When people can't see eye to eye on something, they have the option of agreeing to disagree. Here is how to successfully agree to disagree, while gaining and keeping the other person's respect.
Read moreSticky toffee pudding is delicious - it's an amazing blend of tastes that appeals to pretty much everyone. This is one of the most impressive desserts for a crowd because it's easy to make, you can make it ahead, and it looks and tastes delicious.
It's definitely possible to make ahead sticky toffee pudding with excellent results, but you need to know the make-ahead tips explained here.
Read moreHere is the step by step illustrated guide for how to archive an Amazon order.
In this tutorial you'll also find out what it means to archive an Amazon order and the reasons why you may want to do it.
Read moreAre you having trouble sleeping or just don't have the time to sleep a full night? If so, it might seem like a far-fetched idea to get 7 hours of sleep each night. Nonetheless, this is attainable.
Here's how to sleep for 7 hours. There are 2 different pathways which I'll go into for how to sleep better, depending on which of 2 reasons you have for not sleeping properly.
Read moreIt's easy to over-use the word "however" while you are writing, particularly in non-fiction or essay writing. Here are some alternatives to "however". Helpful tips and nuances are also indicated here to ensure you're using the alternatives appropriately in your finished piece.
Read moreHow hard is blogging - can you trust blogger income reports?
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You've probably seen information online that makes it sound like there are bloggers making $1000 a month or more starting from their first month and going up from there, and you're (quite correctly) suspicious. Otherwise everyone would be blogging instead of doing other jobs, right?
To answer your questions, based on my experience, yes it is difficult to make money blogging, and yes I suspect there are a few bloggers out there who are lying on their income reports. I'll provide reasoning for this here and let you know the red flags to watch for.
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