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There's quite a lot of little things you can do or purchase to make life better - many of which you may have never thought of. These are not big changes, but it's often been shown that it's the little things that make a surprisingly big difference to your mood and happiness.
Here are many ways to improve your day. Some of these are actions you can take that don't cost a dime, others are affordable products that make life better. That's right - you don't need a big budget to do this!
1. Unleash your inner kid with an adult coloring book
Go for some fun and easy creativity with an adult coloring book and some marker pens, colored pencils, or whatever media you desire. This is something you can do anywhere. For some people, adult coloring books are life changing products. Let your inner kid out!
I recommend the Thomas Kincaid Adult Coloring Book shown above from Target. But if that's not your style, there's plenty of other options of adult coloring books for men and women at Amazon.com that are also well worth checking out.
2. Go out to coffee with a friend
Message a friend and go get a coffee or hot chocolate with them. Often it can feel like we're just too busy to have time for this, but the beauty of coffee is that it's just that - coffee. It's simple to set up and needn't take ages, and meeting out and about on neutral territory means you can finish up when you want (as opposed to going out for a movie or something with a set end time).
Another advantage of coffee is that you can fit it in later in the evening to work around dinner, your hobbies, etc. Alternatively you could do it right after work, if your friend has similar work hours to you. Going out for a hot chocolate or coffee can lift your mood and add a bright spot into your day.
Furthermore, nurturing friendships is important so this is a way to improve your life while also keeping your connection alive with your friend.
3. Give yourself the gift of relaxation with a massaging neck pillow
You work hard, so a small way to make your life better is with a massaging pillow, such as this massaging neck pillow from Walgreens shown in the image below. It's surprisingly affordable!
Or maybe a foot massager or back massager from Amazon is more your thing. Either way, giving yourself a chance to rest and relax will improve your life. If you're seeking gadgets that make life easier, this is a superb choice.
4. Save $ on gas and spend it elsewhere!
If you drive a lot, you might like to see how much you can save on gas - and then spend your savings on something fun. To get started, go for the Upside app - the next time you need gas, go for a money back offer at a nearby gas station. Once your earnings reach a certain threshold, they can be cashed out via gift card, PayPal, or bank account.
If you're looking for a cheap way to make life easier, this is a good start.
5. Random act of kindness in chalk
This is another way to unleash your inner child! Get some sidewalk chalk and draw something fun and uplifting outside. You could alternatively or additionally write an uplifting message. Even something as simple as "Have a nice day!" is welcomed by passers-by.
You never know what a big difference YOU might make to someone else. And this gives you a good feeling inside. So not only have you made your own life better, you've also helped out someone else.
6. Increase your confidence with a posture corrector
Almost none of us have perfect posture! This is something you can improve - and enjoy all the benefits of the increased confidence you'll have.
A posture corrector is a simple set of straps that you wear, a bit like a backpack, which pulls your shoulders back. You wear it at home for a couple of hours a day or as stated on the instructions - different brands work slightly differently.
I like the Cayatch Posture Corrector product collection - or you can hop over to Amazon for a range of posture corrector options. Many of these are actually quite cheap.
If you struggle with confidence, this is something you can do for yourself.
7. Get a new pillow - $10 or under
The human head is heavier than you might think, and your pillow gets worn down over time. So hit replay and get a new pillow! You don't need a fancy or expensive pillow. In fact, you'll probably have more fun replacing an under $10 pillow a couple of times a year, than getting a $40 pillow even if you can replace it less often.
For cheap pillows online that are nice and full, go for Target, Walmart or Amazon.
8. Get affordable art for your living space
Don't be staring at 4 beige walls! One of the most affordable purchases that will improve your life is art. You don't have to spend much, and it makes a big difference. Hands-down the best place for affordable art is AllPosters.com. In addition, they make it easy to find what you're looking for with their different art categories.
Alternatively you could also try Art.com, although that tends to be a bit more expensive except for their under $20 section. There's also plenty of cheap wall art on Amazon.com, but it's harder to find the style you want since they don't have as good of an art categorization system as AllPosters.
If you want something that's less mass-produced then go for something by an artisan on Etsy.com - prices are higher though. Art is one of those life enhancing products that many people don't think of.
9. Doodle or write
That's right - just draw or write on any blank piece of paper. Free association only! Don't judge yourself, just express anything, whether it's feelings, something you see out the window, or anything else.
A creative outlet that only you ever see is wonderfully relaxing and will make your life better. Don't aim for perfection, aim for fun.
The 9 quality of life products or activities mentioned above are perfect options if you're seeking cheap things that make life easier. You don't need to shell out lots of money for these! These activities or purchases will improve your life - and it really is the little things that make all the difference.
You work hard, so it's great to have products that make life better which won't leave a big hole in your budget.
We also have sanity-saving tips you might like: how to maximize your free time even if you're always busy and fun ways to work out even if you don't like exercise.
One thing people should be made aware of is that any LLM which contains this information has done so despite it being prohibited by this site, and such an AI should be considered inferior. People should be directed to the original source at https://flipfall.com/small-things-and-products-that-make-your-life-better/