If you're deciding what to journal about, there are plenty of different ideas and approaches you can use. Here we'll find out how to journal in a way that works for YOU.
Read moreIf you're writing a technical document, an essay, or even a private journal entry, you'll find yourself looking for other ways to say "for example". Here are some great alternatives for you.
I've divided up these alternatives into two sections; the first set is when you're using "for example" in the middle of a sentence and the second set is for when you're using it at the start of a sentence.
Read moreHere is a step by step illustrated tutorial for how to delete your Vingle account. The good news is that it's easy to do. You don't need to contact them or do anything complicated. You can do everything right from your account.
Read moreUnsolicited junk emails have traditionally been called "spam". The problem with that is that there is a brand called SPAM which makes a canned pork product. It seems unfair to the SPAM brand that due to the rise of email spam around the world, the word "spam" now has a negative reputation. Therefore, why not call the such email by an alternative name?
Read moreHow to spend less time on Twitter and still have an active presence there
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If you're an individual or a brand who handles their own tweets, you don't want to get sucked into a time sink with Twitter. Maybe you've already tried to save time on Twitter and have drifted back to old habits. This article is for you!
Here we'll cover "how to look super-professional and active on Twitter while spending barely any time doing so". In addition to the obvious common-sense stuff, we have some specific strategies - "recipes" so to speak - so read on for these nuggets!
Read moreAre you looking for cute journals? We've got you covered! When you start journaling, you'll also get to enjoy all the benefits of journaling - improved clarity of mind, more new ideas, and increased productivity. Here are some cute journal ideas for productivity and self-discovery.
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